Big News: We’ve Moved!

Have you ever been told that your story needs more action?  That it needs a greater sense of urgency?  That your characters shouldn’t walk into a darkened room when there’s a psychopath loose?

Well, I have taken all of those criticisms to heart.  The result is that this blog has moved to, a new website hosted by bluehost.  A hosted website will give me a little more latitude in what I write and how it’s presented, and it will, hopefully, provide you with a better reading experience.

So head over to, sit back and enjoy my posts–then get out there and start writing!

About Kevin_Fraleigh

I am a novelist, and much of my writing is predicated on the concept that within each of us is a hole. For some of us, the hole is a divot, shallow and insignificant. But for many of us the hole is a cavern, deep and expansive. We try to fill it with sex or drugs or religion, but the cavern has an insatiable appetite. This is where the dark things live―the things that fill our nightmares. The things that claw at our minds. The things that inspire the stories of horror, madness, and twisted realities. From the depths of that cavern come the seeds of my stories. Won’t you join me in the dark edges of reality? Learn more about me from my blog at You can find my novels at,, and most eBook retailers. You can also read some of my full length short stories at
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1 Response to Big News: We’ve Moved!

  1. Kat says:

    Great job!

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